Sunday, February 10, 2008

Balls are very sensitive, it turns out.

In truth, beginning something (anything!) requires you to just do it. Extra amounts of thought almost guarantees the story or adventure stay another unwritten or another unlived version of could've, would've, should've. Perhaps a bit of thought just to be polite is kind, but like with sugar for your tea, keep it to two lumps. Now that you know my nervous thought before writing this, you should also know sharing anything I've written is scarier to me than being covered by gummyworms. Not that it is a terribly, life alteringly, my-trust-in-nature-will-never-be-the-same event, but the associated feeling I imagine would be creepy nonetheless. I always thought shy people were just writers waiting to happen, but it takes alot of balls to expose yourself.
Balls are very sensitive, it turns out.
Untill next time,


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